PricelessThe Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2
The Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2A holiday visit with Sweetwater CreekWe get to know a little more about our cover artist over the Christmas holidaypg.05Mystery at GreenhollowFirstLightFarms brings us another gripping chapter

pg. 03
HEE: Genetics DecodedPart 3 by: Dr. Inksprenp.08
The Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2EDITOR'S
eyestetix-studios@unsplashHello, Goodbye!So many of us are so eager to say goodbye to 2021, and rightfully so. It has been another year of heartache and turmoil for a lot of us. Alot have faced sickness, whether their own or a loved ones (sometimes both). There has been loss: lives, jobs and sanity. Yes, it has been a crappy year for most, to say the least.  
I hope that 2022 is the year of hope. I pray for those who are sick and hope the road to recovery is short. I hope that those who are searching for jobs or are able to find sufficient employment. I hope that those with depression and other mental illnesses are able to find a peace of mind. I hope that all of our readers and their families have a safe, happy and healthy new 2022. Goodbye 2021 and Hello 2022 (please be nice to us).  ❤️SCF
Pricelesspg: 03The Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2Stirrup Suspense StoriesMystery at GreenhollowA FirstLightFarm featured story~Chapter Six~
November melted into December, and as Red buried himself in his studies, Emma found herself in Hannah’s company, more and more. Hannah would arrive at the barn, early before work, and help Emma hurry through the early chores so that they could trail ride Spartan and Willow up the hills and over the paddocks and watch the sun rise. In the afternoon, she would come back, and she and Emma would flat their horses and jump around until the sun set, when Hannah would stick around and help with feeding and bringing in horses for the night. When the ground froze, they instead spent their time tucked up in the house, watching eventing videos and discussing various riders and trainers and shows. When Spartan kicked her so badly that she couldn’t walk for a few days, Hannah came to the rescue with ice cream and mucking out the stalls while Red fed.
Emma didn’t want to ask, but it felt like they were friends. It was the first time in years that she had spent any real time with somebody her own age other than Red, and she had to admit, it was a nice feeling.
“What do you think about burgundy?” Hannah asked.
Emma wrestled herself away from her thoughts. It was early evening, and she and Hannah were warming up their horses. The ground had thawed enough that they were taking the chance to jump, and Emma was more than eager to tackle some of the fences she’d set up in the ring.
Willow was getting fitter than ever, muscles rippling beneath her bay coat. Even with her winter fur, she was shining and healthy, neck arched on the bit and haunches tucked beneath her. Emma had to struggle to keep her from bursting into a canter, and the wind beat her ponytail across her cheek. She swiped it away from her eyes. “Burgundy?”
“For my eventing colors. I’m asking my father for a new set for Christmas.”
Burgundy had been her and Willow’s eventing colors. Emma still had her saddle pad and jacket stashed away somewhere, and she said as much. “But,” she added, “royal blue would look dashing on Spartan.”
Hannah made a thoughtful face and stroked her horse’s neck. Spartan seemed to be getting worse with his improving fitness. There was more power to him, more ability to buck and rear and twist. With the constant work, he was less unpredictable, but when he decided to be bad, he was awful. He sprang into the canter and kicked out. Willow, used to his antics, sidestepped and avoided him.
“Do you really mean to event him next season?”
“I don’t see why not. We’ll have to get a trailer, or borrow one. What do you think you’ll do? Novice?”
Emma tried not to be offended. “Modified. I think a few events will get Willow back to prelim shape. Though I’ll have to find a trainer before we get there.”
“Oh. You think she can do it?” Hannah ran an eye over Willow, and Emma found herself patting the mare’s neck a little defensively. Willow was smaller by Spartan by a hand, if not a hand and a half, and certainly didn’t have as much of a presence. But Emma knew her mare. If she asked, Willow would give, and she had the heart for it. She lit up on a cross country course in a way that she wouldn’t in the ring.
“We were going to, last year, but then… everything happened.” She bit her lip. They were no closer to finding out who had killed Catherine, or Herrington. Every day, the buzz of the gossip died down just a little bit more. She worried that the town would stop caring, or forget, about what had happened.
“Right,” Hannah said, and looked down, turning Spartan in a circle so that Emma couldn’t see her face. “How’s Red doing?”
“He’s fine,” Emma said, trying to change the subject. “Let’s jump.”
Hannah, luckily, didn’t press the issue, and Emma turned Willow towards the first fence. In the faltering sunlight, the shadows were cast oddly across the ground, and Willow took the first fence a little awkwardly, unsure of where it truly was. Emma sat down and drove her forwards, shortening her stride and lifting her shoulders so that she met the next jump a little more evenly.
“Open her up!” Hannah shouted. Emma ignored her and let Willow find her distance to the next jump, a single oxer heading towards the barn. Willow’s ears flew forward. She bounced, once, patted the ground with her front feet, and then was over and heading for the next one. Emma laughed out loud. She couldn’t believe that she’d gone so long without jumping her mare. She drew Willow to a halt and, enthused by her efforts, the mare squealed and crow-hopped.
Hannah cued Spartan to canter, and the bay launched forward. Where Willow was quick and forward, he was wild, head up, mouth open and fighting the bit. Hannah pointed him at the first fence, and Spartan charged towards it, knees snapping up at the last minute to avoid it. Emma held her breath. Spartan could jump. There was no doubt that he was talented.
There was, however, doubt if that talent could be directed.
Spartan made it over the last jump and let out a huge, twisting buck. Hannah pulled him up and gave him an annoyed tap with her crop, so that he hopped forward again and then stood. “I think he’s ready for the season.”
Emma thought he was ready for the rodeo, but she didn’t say anything, just patted Willow gratefully. The mare shook her head.
The knock came early in the evening, just as Red was wrestling a Christmas tree into the window in the living room. This was difficult for two reasons. One was that Rocco had snuck into the house again, and was weaving in between Red’s legs, mewing a reminder that they had forgotten to feed him that morning. The second reason was that Emma was trying to make hot cocoa, and she was loud and unhelpful in the kitchen and texting pictures of Rocco to Hannah.
“Would you stop that?” Red asked, but he didn’t sound mad enough that Emma could take him seriously. “I’m sure she has a crush on me.”
“What makes you say that? You hardly talk to the poor girl.”
“She’s here all the time.”
“So are you.”
“I live here.”
Emma fidgeted with the pot. Was milk supposed to boil like that? She turned the heat down. “I was thinking about asking her about moving in with us. It would help with expenses.”
“Then why don’t you?”
A multitude of reasons flooded through her mind. The fact that Red and Hannah got along about as well as dogs and cats. The fact that the little house was comfortable and friendly, and as much as she liked Hannah, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to have that dynamic change.
The fact that the one available bedroom had been Catherine’s.

Red sighed and stepped back to survey the tree. It was still crooked. From this angle, Emma couldn’t see his face, couldn’t see how he felt about the idea. “Maybe this wasn’t the best way to celebrate finals being over.”
“It’ll look nice once it’s decorated.” Catherine and Emma had decorated, every single year. The ornaments were stashed in the attic somewhere, and the small part of her that still grieved for Catherine was looking forwards to opening up those boxes and going through the memories. She hoped that Red felt the same way, that this tree was a symptom of healing. “Cocoa?”
“Maybe in a bit,” Red said, still frustrated with the tree.

Emma helped herself to her project. The kitchen was a bit of a disaster. Peppermint and gingerbread were strewn across the table, along with hot cocoa packets. She ladled some milk into a mug, cracked a peppermint into it, and poured the contents of one of the packets into it. She was about to take a sip, and that’s when the knock came. Short, quiet, but definite.

Emma looked at Red. He shrugged. They weren’t expecting anybody.
She opened the door, and on the other side was the officer Davis, the same one that had come to visit only a few months ago to talk to Emma and Red about the will. Emma’s stomach flipped. It felt like lifetimes had passed since that time.
“I hope you don’t mind me dropping in,” Davis said. The sky was a bright pink and gray streak behind him, the winter dusk settling over the farm in preparation of the night.
“Come in,” Emma said, recovering and taking a sip of her cocoa. She made a face. The powder hadn’t quite mixed with the milk. “Red’s gotten into a fight with a tree, and it’s been perfectly entertaining.”
“So, you two are together, then?” Davis asked, watching Red try to lean the tree back against the wall while he worked on adjusting the stand.
Emma nearly choked. “No, we’re not at all.”
Red gave her a grin over his shoulder. “No need to sound so offended by the idea.”
Emma put her mug down and regarded Davis, choosing to ignore her roommate. “So what do we owe your visit to?”
Davis’s smile faded. “I’m here to follow up about Catherine, actually.”
“I thought there wasn’t any follow up,” Red said carefully. “There haven’t been any leads in months.”
Had there been a lead, though? Was there something new? Emma’s heart hammered in her chest. Maybe they’d found something, finally, finally. They were going to get answers.
Her hopes were dashed a second later as Davis said, “that’s just it. We’re starting to consider this a cold case.”
“Cold case,” Red echoed. “But what about Herrington?”
Davis shrugged. “There aren’t any leads for him, either. No motive, nothing really linking them other than that they were horse farm owners. And you, Emma.”
Emma blinked. “Me?”
“Well, you knew Catherine, and you had a meeting with Herrington the day he died. But your boarders attest that you were at the farm during the time he would have been murdered, and there’s no possible motive we can think of, either.”
“Oh,” Emma said. She hadn’t considered herself as a suspect, so it surprised her that anybody else had. She hadn’t known that her boarders had been interviewed, either, though it warmed her to think that they had stood up for her. She wondered which ones had been. Herrington’s death had happened all those months ago. “Thanks.”
It wasn’t quite the right thing to say, but it wasn’t wrong, either. Davis inclined his head. “So I just dropped by to let you two know.”
“That’s nice of you,” Red said, brow furrowed. “But why come out of your way to see us? Couldn’t this have been a phone call, or we could have just… carried on without knowing? I don’t know how these things really work. I’ve never had a relative be murdered before.”
“And hopefully you never will again.” Davis looked between him and Emma, and then around at the house, at Rocco batting an experimental paw at the tree and at the basket of laundry Emma had dumped on the couch earlier with intentions to organize. He looked at the saddle rack with Catherine’s old saddle shoved in the corner. “I just wanted to see how you two were getting along. Your situation intrigued me.”
“We’re getting along well enough,” Emma said. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being intriguing. Mostly she wanted to get back to her hot cocoa, and not think about how they’d given up on searching for answers. The earlier cheer had all but drained from her. “Thank you,” she finally said, “for checking on us.”
Davis nodded. “I’m sorry that I had to break the news this way. I really hope…” he took a breath. “That something changes. You deserve answers. We all do.”
He left, and silence swelled between them. Emma stared at her hands. Red stared at the tree.
“Well.” Red sighed as Rocco clawed at the door, suddenly desperate to get out. “I hope the new year will be nicer.”

Come back next month for the continuation of Mystery at Greenhollow
Pricelesspg: 05The Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2    |Trailblazing Artists:A holiday visit with Sweetwater CreekTwo pieces of line-art by colored by Sweetwater Creekby: Sporting Chance FarmEden Echo: Please introduce yourself.
Sweetwater Creek: I'm the one and only Sweetwater Creek! I have been on HEE for a while now. My main account was created Yr 122. But I have been on HEE for much longer than that! I took a long break and lost my original account.

EE: How long have you been doing art?
SC: I first tried my hand at art when I first joined HEE. Sadly I lost confidence and decided to stop, thankfully not permanently. I started getting back into doing art about 3 months ago. I have grown so much more since then!

EE: What kind of art do you specialize in?
SC: I specialize in manipulations, not specific to a kind, really. I can do just about anything that's brought to me. Fantasy work holds a special place in my heart, though. I also love coloring line art for adoptables. I mostly do it for fun or for friends, but occasionally I will sell some.

EE: Do you do other types of art (pottery, sculpture, pen & ink, sketching, poetry, jewelry etc)? Can you show us some samples if you do?
SC: I don’t really do much other than digital art. I used to be big into watercolors and pen & ink drawing. Now I just make manips and color line arts!

EE: What got you interested in art?
SC: Seeing all the amazing art on HEE and wanting to try my hand at it.

EE: Do you have an art shop on HEE? If so, where can we find you?
SC: Yes, I do! It is currently closed and will be until the end of the month. Keep an eye out for when I open it back up! I also auction off pre-made art or custom slots from time to time. Feel free to pm me for art. If I like your idea enough, I may make an exception and open a slot up. 🙂
Sweetwater Creek Studios

EE: How long do you typically spend on your manipulations?
SC: It honestly depends on the elements of the piece as a whole. All my work typically takes several hours, though that is working over the time-span of a few days. One horse piece with no extras takes around 2-3 hours. Fantasy pieces take around 4+ hours. The more complex it is, the longer it takes.

EE: What do you like most about being an artist?
SC: Creating art, and happy customers! I absolutely love working on art. I constantly have ideas floating around in my head. I also love the gratification of completing art for people, and putting forward the best work I can.

EE: What do you like the least about being an artist?
SC: I would say my confidence in my art. I have an issue with comparing my art to other artists’ works. I have been working on that though.

EE: Who or what inspired you to become an artist?
SC: Seeing all the great art on HEE was a huge inspiration. Higher tier artists continue to inspire me to grow and improve my work in any way that I can.

EE: Do you have any other hobbies or activities you enjoy outside of HEE?
SC: Yes! One of my hobbies is keeping lots of animals. I have everything from cats and dogs to reptiles, fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. I absolutely love animals and that is a huge part of my personality. Another hobby of mine is breeding top-quality leopard geckos. I also love playing video games and binge-watching TV shows!
EE: Where do you see art in your future? Do you want to do it for a career or just as a hobby?
SC: I hope to eventually become a tier 1 artist, and if I continue to improve, I know I can make that a reality. As for the second question, I would love to pursue the career of being a tattoo artist. I love getting tattoos. I have a very steady hand and a creative mind. Both are key parts of becoming a tattoo artist. I am currently learning the fundamentals of tattooing and I hope to get an apprenticeship under my tattoo artist.
EE: Have you competed in the art Rumble? What did you find the hardest about it? How did it challenge you the most? Would you enter again?
SC: Yes, I entered for the first time in the fall 2021 rumble. I would say the hardest part was competing against such talented artists. Definitely the major anxiety it gave me waiting to see the results was another hard part. The Rumble challenged me by forcing me out of my comfort zone. Like doing work that I've never done before, and not having the ability to choose my own stock. Although Ven chose some amazing stock props to her! I actually plan on entering again as soon as another one takes place. Hopefully, by then I'll have grown more as an artist so I can take that win!

EE: Do you have a creative process routine or ritual? Do you have to play certain music or eat a certain food?
SC: Not necessarily no, I tend not to play music while doing art. I just go into this zone of super concentration and block everything out.

EE: What piece of art are you most proud of and why?
SC: I would say my rumble art! I think I did a great job on it and incorporated a ton of cool elements. The challenge was spirit animals, and I loved doing that. It's just such a high-quality piece with a lot of little details. I spent a lot of time perfecting it.
EE: What was the best piece of advice you have ever received?
SC: When I first started doing art, I had a mentor. They helped me immensely in improving my artistic skills.. The best advice they gave me was on eye work and grounding. Without those tips, I wouldn't be where I am today with art. I now implement those into every piece of artwork I complete.

EE: What is the best advice you would give to other artists?
SC: Never give up! Starting out can be very discouraging, seeing all the wonderful artists on HEE. Just keep at it. Be sure to use all the resources available to you to help you grow as an artist. Another word of advice is to never compare your art to another, particularly more experienced artists in higher tiers. Your art is unique to you! Everyone has their own style and there is always room for improvement. If you keep at it, one day you could be one of the top artists! I believe that all art is great in its own way. I find the expressiveness beautiful!
EE: Do you have real-life horses? If so, tell us about your favorite horse (breed, color, name). What discipline do you do with your horse?
SC: Sadly, no. I wish to own a horse one day. It is my biggest dream in life to own a horse. Until then playing HEE will have to satisfy that hunger.
EE: How did you end up playing HEE? Did you just stumble upon or were you referred by somebody or something else?
SC:I actually started out playing WP which my best friend introduced me to. Then one day we found HEE and haven't stopped loving it since.

EE: What do you breed for in HEE?
SC: With my primary account, I breed for color and ratings. I would like to help bring in more high-rated color horses into HEE, and it is going very well. On my side account, I breed SD dressage PONs for showing.

EE:. Do you have a specialty?
SC: Not really no, I try to breed SH, ISH, and X horses, but breed isn't all that important to me.

EE: Do you have a favorite LB stallion? Why is he your favorite?
SC: On Stranger Tides for sure! He was the first color boy to hit the top of the LB. This means big steps for all color breeders on HEE.

EE: If you won the lottery today… what would you do with it?
SC: I would definitely buy a beautiful ranch in Montana! I would have at least 4 horses and other various farm animals. I would also get a custom animal room built, with top-of-the-line rack systems for my leopard geckos.
EE: Dog person or cat person and why?
SC: I honestly can't pick just one! I love my dogs and my cats. They are great and so full of love. Probably cats a little less.

EE: What is one thing people love about you?
SC: People love my kind and giving nature. I strive to be kind to others no matter the situation. People on HEE love how sweet I am, (sort of suits given what my stable name is.😉)

EE: What do you love about yourself?
SC: My caring nature 🙂

EE: What would you change about yourself?
SC: I would say my height. Ha ha!

EE: What program do you use for your creations? What is your favorite feature about that program? What do you dislike the most about that program?
SC: I started out using gimp. My favorite feature about gimp is the ease of use. It's absolutely perfect for artists that are just starting out. What I dislike the most about gimp is the limited tools compared to paid programs. I am currently switching over to affinity photo. My favorite feature affinity photo is the ability to completely remove things from an image. I would say I dislike the more complicated layout compared to gimp.

EE: Tell me 5 things about you I have not already asked about that you would like the readers to know.
  • I am trans (pronouns are he/him)
  • I love making new friends!
  • I also make palettes
  • I have over 20+ pets
  • Juice Wrld is my all-time favorite artist

EE: What is your Christmas wish?
SC: My Christmas wish is for RO to go well for me and everyone! I also wish to spend as much time as I can with my family as I can for the holidays.

EE: Favorite Christmas song?
SC: Where Are You Christmas? - Faith Hill

EE: Favorite Christmas movie? Why?
SC: The live-action Grinch movie! One, because I love Jim Carey. Two, because it really throws me into the Christmas spirit. I even have a Grinch onesie I wear around the house for the holiday season.
EE: What is the most obscure Christmas song you have ever heard? Who sings it?
SC: What’s this? - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

EE: Favorite Christmas memory.
SC: I don't really have a particular favorite memory. I just really enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

EE: Ham or Turkey for Christmas?
SC: Neither! I don't like ham or turkey.

EE: Tell us some of your Christmas traditions.
SC: One of my Christmas traditions is spending time with all my family. Every year at family Christmas, we sit around the table to eat, but before we do, we always pop Christmas crackers! They are these things that you pull apart and they pop open. They typically have a little trinket, a paper crown, and a joke. We sit at the table with our crowns on and tell our jokes! It makes for a very fun time.
EE: Cold weather or Hot Weather? Why?
SC: Cold weather, definitely! I do not do well in the heat at all, I'm sort of like a polar bear lol.
EE: Eggnog… yay or nay? Spiked or not?
SC: Eggnog is a yes! Spiked is also a yes!
EE: Do you put up a Christmas tree? If so is it fake or real? How do you decorate it? Do you have a color theme? Keepsakes? Tinsel or not? What is on the top of your tree?
SC: Yes, my family and I put up a Christmas tree every year. It is fake but I would love to do a real one. We just do basic red, green, gold decor and we all have our own special ornaments to hang on the tree. We also have these super cool old ornaments that when you plug them into the lights, they make sounds or move. My favorite one is a football field where the players move around.
EE: Is Santa bringing you a lump of coal this year? If so… What did you do to deserve it?
SC: I sure hope not! Ha ha
Don't Get Lost in HEE...Guide and FAQs
Come and JoinThe Pretty Pony Pageant is a Dress Up Contest to show off your stunning horses! Each show has various classes with tack and/or decor requirements - a fun way to showcase your beautiful equines while using the tack and decor provided by HEE!
Join in the fun at The Pretty Pony Pageant Contest Page
All are welcome to join the club for special perks at The Pretty Pony Pageant Club
Participate in the Shows by Submitting Entries; Vote in the Community Voting Classes; and Celebrate all the Pretty Ponies!
Contact Boulder Creek if you have any questions!
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Pricelesspg. 08The Eden EchoJanuary 2022 | Issue 1 | Volume 2Hello everyone! Welcome to the third part of our genetics series. Today we will talk about patterns. HEE has a variety of patterns, including Tobiano, Splash White, Sabino, Rabicano, Frame Overo, and multiple appaloosa patterns.

Here is a list of FAQs about these patterns:
Part 3: Patterns

Apricot Dun Splash White Frame Frost Appaloosa
Q: Why is my black Sabino horse all white?
A: Horses that are homozygous for Sabino can have a coat that is referred to as “Maximum Sabino.” Essentially the white area from the Sabino pattern is so large that no pigmented hairs remain on the horse. Note that not all homozygous Sabino horses on HEE are Maximum Sabino, but all Maximum Sabinos are homozygous.

Q: Why did I get a dead foal?
A: On HEE, homozygous frame is lethal. (Homozygous dominant white is also lethal). When you breed two heterozygous frame horses together, you get a 25% chance of a dead foal (that would have been homozygous frame), a 50% chance of a live foal with heterozygous frame, and a 25% chance of a live foal without frame. For comparison, if you breed a frame horse to a non-frame horse, you get a 50% chance of a live heterozygous frame foal and a 50% chance of a live non-frame foal. If you want frame in your lines, you have just as much chance of getting a live frame foal from a frame x non-frame cross as you do from a frame x frame cross.

Q: Is my horse homozygous or heterozygous?
A: Homozygous horses will have different versions of Tobiano, Splash White, and Sabino than heterozygous horses. There are guides in the forums that list which versions are which, and this can be used to determine whether your horse is homozygous or heterozygous for that gene without having to do a gene test.

Q: Can you please explain how appaloosa works on HEE?
A. On HEE, there are 3 genes that contribute to appaloosa patterns. They are leopard complex (Lp), PATN-1, and PATN-2. There are 7 different appaloosa patterns in the game, including leopard, snowcap, fewspot, frost, varnish, blanket, and snowflake. If a horse has a PATN gene but no Lp, then the horse will not be appaloosa. If the horse has Lp but no PATN gene, they will be labelled as “Appaloosa” but will not have visible appaloosa markings in the coat. However, these horses will have a mottled muzzle and striped hooves.

Horses that have both Lp and a PATN will have a true appaloosa pattern in their coat. The specific appaloosa pattern they have depends on whether they are homozygous or heterozygous for Lp and whether they have PATN-1 or PATN-2. Note that being homozygous or heterozygous for PATN genes does not affect the coat. Horses that are heterozygous for Lp and have PATN-1 will be leopard appaloosas. Horses that are homozygous for Lp and have PATN-1 will randomly be either fewspot or snowcap. Horses that have Lp and PATN-2 will randomly be either blanket, snowflake, frost, or varnish. Being homozygous or heterozygous for Lp does not affect which of these 4 patterns the horse will receive; however, it will affect which VERSION of the pattern the horse gets. Homozygous Lp horses will get versions with more white. For example, an LpLp PATN-2 snowflake will have larger white snowflakes, while an Lplp PATN-2 snowflake will have smaller white snowflakes.

What if your horse has both PATN-1 and PATN-2? PATN-1 wins. Your horse will have a PATN-1 pattern.

Finally, a special note about varnish. While varnish only shows up by itself on PATN-2 horses, it can also randomly show up in combination with any other appaloosa pattern, regardless of whether it is a PATN-1 or PATN-2 pattern. For example, it is possible to have a varnish leopard or a varnish snowflake.

That’s what I have on patterns for you today. Thanks for reading, and I hope your new year is off to a good start!  ~ Ink
Stallions For StudClassified CorralArturoWWW-Sport Pony 
LCs: 50k
Straws: 50k
SullyWWW- Anglo Arabian
LCs: 25k
Straws: Inquire
Shark WeekWWW- Sport Horse
LCs: 10k
Straws: Available
ZvaigzneWWE-Registered Irish Draft
LCs: 15k
Straws: Inquire
ToggoEWE-Irish Sport Horse
LCs: 5k
Straws: Inquire
MF StirlingWEW-Sport Horse
LCs: 10k
Straws: 12k
WHC StarmanWWE-Sport Horse
LCs: 5,500
Straws: Inquire
ZombieWWW-Sport Horse
LCs: 20k
Straws: Inquire
Dark KnightWWW-Appendix Quarter Horse
LCs: 45k
Straws: Available
Bravery Stallions for StudClassified CorralGlass AresPEE/WC-Thoroughbred
LCs: 1k
Straws: Inquire
World Class PopeESS/WC- Sport Pony
LCs: 5k
Straws: 5,500
Kay HolePPP/WC- Sport Horse
LCs: 2k
Straws: Inquire
MagnifiqueESS/WC-Sport Horse
LCs: 10k
Straws: Inquire
LCs: 4k
Straws: Inquire
LCs: 10k
Straws: Inquire
FridayPPP/WC-Sport Pony
LCs: 3k
Straws: Inquire
Mistywild WunderEPS/WC-Sport Pony
LCs: 7,500
Straws: Inquire
World Class HeloPEP/WC-Irish Sport Horse
LCs: 2k
Straws: 2,500
Artists ShopsClassified CorralSweetwater CreekTier 2
Mrs. Moo's Tea ShopAdoptablesZomb Tier 1 Premades
Spirtasi WhimsTier 1CC Knabbstruppers Tier 1
JLD EquineTier 3
WildWillowTier 1
Cain ManorTier 2Ginger RidgeTier 2
ClubsClassified CorralTEECCDues: 500
DBFreeHEESSF Dues: 1k
MBCFreeRIDCCDues: 1k
TEBCDues: 1k (Tiered)
JPWHEEDues: 1k
WHEEFreeSSBCDues: 1k